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Streaming Services &


Delivering powerful media & marketing solutions

Streaming Services & Technology

BKG Media Group has technology solutions to accommodate budgets big and small. We work with our clients to formulate a cost effective solution that will streamline your processes. BKG Media Group has the experience and expertise to strategically develop your technology in the following areas:

Church Streaming Services

Take your ministry beyond the 4 walls with an effective and cutting-edge streaming solution.   

Audio Video Intergrations

Enhance your worship with a PA system, Projectors, HD Flatscreens or HD  Robotic cameras, swithcers and more.

Worship Enhancement

Enhance your worship with high Resolution graphics and overlays. Integrate scriptures and song lyrics. 

Ligthing and Stage Design

Bring your stage to life with a strategic lighting plan and set design that will appeal to both in person and online.

Let's chat today about your custom technology solution. Budgets big and small we have served them all! Contact us today to get started!!! 
Special on Church Streaming Solutions!!!
Lets chat about your custom technology solution today!!!

Call for Quote: 386.383.3193


Servicing Atlanta, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida

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